Writer, Founder of the Publishing House "TAO", Europe's Futures Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Ukraine
Philosopher, an Associate Researcher at the Raymond Aron Center for Sociological and Political Studies at EHESS in Paris, France
Director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, USA
Dean at the Faculty of the Social Sciences, Director of the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, UCU, Ukraine
First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, Correspondent at "Vezha", Ukraine
Head of the NACP Integrity Office - National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Ukraine
General Secretary of the International Federation of Catholic Universities and its Endowment Fund LS, France
John S. Hastings Professor of Law, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Democracy of the Maurer School of Law, USA
Founder and Head of the Center for Constitutional Modeling, Co-founder and President of the First Voluntary Mobile Hospital (PDMSH) Named after Mykola Pyrogov, Ukraine
John T. Ryan Jr. Professor Emeritus of International Business Ethics at the Mendoza College of Business and Concurrent Professor in the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, USA
Head of the Research Centre "Ukraine in a Changing Europe" at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences; Assistant Professor at the Department of Russian and East European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Senior Researcher, Department of Religious Studies, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine
Head of the Ethics-Politics-Economy Program, Chair of the Political Science Department, Faculty of the Social Sciences, UCU, Ukraine
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Management at the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Ukraine
First-year Student at the Institute of Leadership and Management, the Head of the Community of Volunteers United by the Idea (SVOYI), Ukraine
Head of the Master Program of Public Management and Administration at the School of Public Management, UCU, Ukraine
Head of the Board at the Ukrainian People's Council of Donetsk and Lugansk, Ukraine
First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, a Journalist at "The Express Newspaper", Ukraine
Vice-Rector for Academic and Internationalization at the Ukrainian Catholic University
First-year Student at the School of Public Management, a Deputy at Murovane Community, Ukraine
Ph.D. student in the Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations program at The University of Tennessee, Ukraine