Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has destroyed illusory ideas about the effectiveness of international security mechanisms and stability of the political world order. The war against Ukraine has not only raised the issue of obligations to comply with international legal and ethical norms but also revealed an urgent need for a new understanding of the fundamental principles and values on which international cooperation and security are based.
This year's conference Resilience and Democracy: A Need For New Ethical, Solidarity, and Security Infrastructures is dedicated to the analysis and discussion of issues related to the current situation in Ukraine and the world. The conference aims to become a platform for discussing and exploring the potential of resilience of Ukrainian society and state institutions, new challenges that await us in the near future, and the urgent need to rethink the structures of constructive international cooperation.
Conference at a Glance

Distinguished speakers from Ukraine, Ireland, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Georgia, Slovakia, and the United States will share their insights, expertise, and experience. The conference audience, consisting of an international crowd representing various professions, will also interact with students from Ukrainian Catholic University, who will present research projects, case studies analyses, and debates.

The conference is a collaborative endeavor of universities and organizations in Europe and North America: Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine); University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA); Analytical Center of UCU (Kyiv, Ukraine), UCU Business School: and the Catholic University Partnership members.

The conference invites you to live panel discussions, online meetings, student presentations, roundtables, and expert discussions.

IHD Series
The Conference is part of an annual international conference series within the framework of a broad theme entitled Integral Human Development. This series was inaugurated in 2019 by the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues (IIECI) and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Ukrainian Catholic University.
Робоча мова - українська
Offline, in Ukrainian
Sheptytsky Center, Stryiska str., 29а, Lviv
Room 002
EET 14:30 - 16:00
Student Discussion on Post War Transformation of Ukraine
Organized by «Ukrainian Week» and UCU School of Journalism and Communication (Faculty of the Social Sciences)
Anastasia Krupka, a First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, a Journalist at "The Express Newspaper"
Roksolana Babiy, a First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, Correspondent at "Vezha"
Kateryna Bortniak, a First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, a Journalist at "Tvoe Misto"
Vitalii Holich, a First-year Student at the School of Journalism and Communications, a Journalist at "Tvoe Misto"
Olha Vorozhbyt, Deputy Editor In Chief at tyzhden.ua
EET 16:00 - 16:30
Student Poster Presentations
Kostiantyn Viktorov, Andrii Semenov, Sofia Kashuba, Maksym Rokosovyk,
Oleksandr Monastyrskyi, Lyubov Kurtuak
Moderator: Natalka Yakymets, Deputy Director for Research at the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, Senior Lecturer at the Philosophy Department of UCU
EET 16:30 - 17.00
Online, in English
EET 15:00 - 16:00
Plenary Session I, International Security and Catholic Social Thought
In cooperation with the International Federation of Catholic Universities
Pierre Gueydier, Codirector at Catholic University of the West, France
Giulio De Ligio, philosopher, an associate researcher at the Raymond Aron Center for Sociological and Political Studies at EHESS in Paris, France
Dmytro Sherengovsky, Vice-Rector for Academic and Internationalization at the Ukrainian Catholic University
François Mabille, General Secretary of the International Federation of Catholic Universities and its Endowment Fund LS, France
EET 16:00 - 17:30
Colloquium the Role of Nonprofit Organizations for Ukraine Recovery
Organized by the Institute of Leadership and Management (Faculty of the Social Sciences)
Andre Havrylyshyn, Assistant Professor at Binghamton University, USA
Rory Eckardt, Associate Professor of Strategy at Binghamton University, USA
Bethany Cockburn, Professor (Assistant) at Northern Illinois University, USA
Nataliia Yakushko, Ph.D. student in the Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations program at The University of Tennessee, USA
Ulyana Shchurko, Associate Professor of the Department of Art Management at the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Lecturer at the Department of Management and Organizational Development at UCU, Head of the NGO "Centre of Social Innovations", Ukraine
EET 17:00 - 18:30
Plenary Session II, Resilience and Democracy
In cooperation with Catholic University Partnership
Rev. Filip Krauze , Assistant - Department of Christology and Fundamental Ecclesiology John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Marie Eliadze, Assistant Professor of Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani University, Georgia
Ivan Koniar, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Catholic University of Ružomberok, Slovakia
Clemens Sedmak, Director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, USA
Tamás Ádány, Head of Department of International Law at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary, Head of Department of International Law at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary
Brad Safarik, PhD Associate professor in Political Science at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (Angers, France) Member of the research team SERP (Stratégie, État, Recherche de la Paix) Associate research at LAM (Les Afriques dans le Monde) at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Bordeaux, France
Volodymyr Turchynovskyy, Dean at the Faculty of the Social Sciences, Director of the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, UCU, Ukraine
EET 19:00 - 20:30
Georges Enderle , John T. Ryan Jr. Professor Emeritus of International Business Ethics at the Mendoza College of Business and Concurrent Professor in the Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, USA
Andriy Kostyuk, Managing Partner at KPLT Attorneys at law and Chairman of Nexia Ukraine Association of Business Advisors, Ukraine
Oleg Lagodiyenko, CEO & Co-founder at Ethicontrol, member of UNIC’s Executive Committee, Ukraine
Roman Vaschuk, Business Ombudsman in Ukraine
Yaryna Boychuk , Director of the UCU Business School, Ukraine
Plenary Session IІІ, Responsible Business - Resource for National Resilience
In Cooperation with the UCU Business School
Робоча мова - українська
Offline, in Ukrainian
Sheptytsky Center, Stryiska str., 29а, Lviv
Room 002
EET 15:00 - 17:00
Undergraduate Teams Presentations
A Social Contract for the Future of Ukraine: the Vision of Undergraduate Students of the Faculty of the Social Sciences
Organized by the Sociology Program, UCU Law School, Ethics-Politic-Economy Program (Faculty of the Social Sciences)
Mariia Oshovska, Liubomyr Kostyrko, Denys Boiko, Arsen Gots, Andriy Dubovyy
Oleksandra Onystiuk, Diana Ivanchenko, Yaryna Zaviyska, Maksym Sysa-Pankiv
(Sociology Program Students)
Anastasia Zvir, Yulia Zuibrovska, Yulia Popudnyk, Victoria Kulynyak,
Platon Boyko, Vladyslav Zayonchkovski (Ethics-Politic-Economy Program)
Vsevolod Rechytskyi, Associate Professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Law School),
Danylo Sudyn, Professor (Associate) at Ukrainian Catholic University (Sociology Program),
Yuriy Pidlisnyy, Head of the Ethics-Politics-Economy Program, Chair of the Political Science Department, Faculty of the Social Sciences, UCU
Maksym Kolyba, Senior Lecturer at the UCU Law School, Deputy Director for Administrative Affairs and Development at the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, UCU
EET 17.00 - 17.30
EET 17:30 - 19:00
Alumni and Graduate Student Panel
Revitalization of Communities in the Context of Reconstruction of Ukraine
Organized by the UCU Law School, the Institute of Leadership and Management, the School of Public Management (Faculty of the Social Sciences)
Ilya Bovsunovskiy, a First-year Student at the Institute of Leadership and Management, the Head of the Community of Volunteers United by the Idea (SVOYI)
Yaryna Zayats, UCU Law School Alumni, Urban Planning Lawyer
Yaryna Voloshyn, a First-year Student at the School of Public Management, a Deputy at Murovane Community
Taras Khavunka, School of Public Management Alumni, the Head at the Lviv Regulatory Hub
EET 19:15 - 20:00
Informal Follow-up with UCU Rector Fr. Bohdan Prach and Mariana Kashchak
(invitation-only event)
Friday, March 3
Робоча мова - українська
Offline, in Ukrainian
Venue: Sheptytsky Center, Stryiska str., 29а, Lviv Room 002
In cooperation with the Analytical Center of UCU
EET 09:45 - 11:30
Plenary Session I, The Ecology of Democracy: Ethical Principles and the "Moral Climate"
Taras Dobko, Senior Vice-Rector of the UCU
Oleksandra Matviichuk , Nobel Laureate, Head at Center for Civil Liberties
Yuriy Pidlisnyy, Head of the Ethics-Politics-Economy Program, Chair of the Political Science Department, Faculty of the Social Sciences, UCU
Oksana Forostyna, Writer, Founder of the Publishing House "TAO", Europe's Futures Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Moderator: Natalka Yakymets, Deputy Director for Research at the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, Senior Lecturer at the Philosophy Department of UCU
EET 11:30 - 12.00
EET 12:00 - 13:40
Plenary Session II, Ethical Infrastructure and the Models of Public Interaction
Ihor Koliushko, Head of the Board at the Centre of Policy and Legal Reform
Valeria Korablyova, Head of the Research Centre "Ukraine in a Changing Europe" at the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic); Assistant Professor at the Department of Russian and East European Studies, Institute of International Studies, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Maksym Terletsky, Acting Director at the City Institute, Lviv
Stanislav Fedorchuk, Head of the Board at the Ukrainian People's Council of Donetsk and Lugansk
Myroslava Chekh, Head of the Master Program of Public Management and Administration at the School of Public Management, UCU
EET 13.45 - 14.45
EET 14:45 - 16:30
Plenary Session IІІ, Ethical Instruments for Democratic Practices
Yaryna Boychuk , Director of the UCU Business School
Viktoria Kozachenko, Head of the NACP Integrity Office - National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Ihor Kozlovskyy, Senior Researcher, Department of Religious Studies, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine
Svitlana Khyliuk. Director of the UCU Law School, Director of the Bachelor program in Law
Oksana Kulakovska, Director of the Analytical Center of the UCU
Topic of the Day
The Fragility of Democracy and the Basis of its Resilience
In Cooperation with the Analytical Center of UCU
In English
EET 17:00 - 17:45
Open Talk Constitutional Changes for Recovery and Resilience
David C. Williams, John S. Hastings Professor of Law, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Democracy of the Maurer School of Law, USA
David Kenny, Associate Professor of Law and Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Vsevolod Rechytskyi, Associate Professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine
Gennadiy Druzenko, Founder and Head of the Center for Constitutional Modeling, Co-founder and President of the First Voluntary Mobile Hospital (PDMSH) Named after Mykola Pyrogov, Ukraine
Svitlana Khyliuk. Director of the UCU Law School, Director of the Bachelor program in Law, Ukraine