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A Value-based Approach to Forming Public Policy

(according to the Results of Research of the Policies of Occupied Territories of Ukraine)

The project is a continuation of the topic, which is one of the key for the UCU Analytical Center and the UCU Kyiv Center, and provides for the development of a value-based approach to public policy-making (on the example of policy research on the occupied territories of Ukraine). As the database of Ukrainian legislation on the occupied territories has already been collected and processed, as well as expert discussions have shown that the legislator is guided by the reaction to the current problem, quantitative budget indicators and law-making standards. At the same time, the qualitative dimension of decisions, which cannot be measured either in terms of budget or regulation, remains outside the scope of a "pragmatic" responsive discussion. This leads to the fact that the basic constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens are violated either because of the norms or because of their absence. The process of improving the legislation is constant, so the value analysis will be relevant as a permanent tool for policy making in the occupied territories in the future. The practical dimension is to develop and verify the methodology of value analysis and on the basis of its proposal a package of recommendations for the implementation of a value-based approach to the formation of policies for the occupied territories. This will make it possible to check the compliance / inconsistency of existing laws and draft laws and in the future to be guided by this value approach in proposing legislative initiatives and making management decisions.

Oksana Kulakovska, director of the UCU Analytical Center


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